Baben Ways to Impress next V-DAY

  • By Angela Kyle

Baben Ways to Impress next V-DAY

Raise your hand if you forgot to buy flowers on Valentines Day! Oops! Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Let me guess how it went down: you were at work, it was 5:00pm and your coworker mentioned that he was leaving early to pick up flowers for his girlfriend; you probably took no notice of it. But then you checked Facebook, it was filled with photos of roses and the penny dropped …its Valentines Day! So you rushed out of the office at a million miles an hour, you ran to the florist and found that they were sold out of flowers. You turned around, picked up the pace, pounded the ground to make it to the florist around the corner and they were closed. At this stage you were probably thinking that literally any flowers would do, so you resorted to the supermarket, 2-day-old, slightly wilted sunflowers. Lucky for you, your partner is madly in love with your forgetful, heartless self and accepts the half dead bunch as if it were a dozen beautiful red roses.  Brownie points for dodging the bullet, but I strongly suggest you NEVER EVER try that again.


Can I let you in on a little secret? We’re not called WARPAINT Warriors for nothing! From now on, this easy 3-Step Process with help you excel next Valentines Day!

  1. Buy a Kitten

When I say buy a kitten, I mean borrow a kitten from a friend (LOL). This way you can swiftly return it after taking some killer Instagram snaps! Trust me, this is sure to make bae Insta famous in no time!

Note: Ensure to supply the kitten with water and perhaps leash it! Remember it needs to go back!!


  1. Make homemade love heart chocolates

Why you ask? Well, you can’t really stuff it up. You put the chocolate in the microwave, stir all the lumps out, pour it into the heart shaped container and pop it in the fridge! SO EASY, SO PERSONAL!

NOTE: Make sure your girlfriend eats chocolate!


  1. Purchase WARPAINT!

If you’re madly in love, purchase a pot of WARPAINT Natural Teeth Whitener. It’s super simple, you can even purchase it in-between reps at the gym - just buy it online at www.armedwithwarpaint.com.

Note: This will keep your partners pearly whites looking perfect.


Here at WARPAINT we really care for the wellbeing of our customers, and for that reason we want to make sure your girlfriend doesn’t put you in the dog house next V-Day. 


Marketing Manager 

Angela Kyle 

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